Energy-Saving Habits That Really Work!

Rumor has it that certain morning habits can contribute to one’s success. Simple things like waking up early, making your bed every morning, meditation or writing in your journal, and regular exercise are said to prep the mind and body for a great day ahead.

Well, how about habits that contribute to energy conservation and cost savings? Good ideas to be sure, along with a little environmental cleansing at the same time.

Here are 10 energy-efficient practices guaranteed to make differences for the better.   

Know your usage.

Schedule an energy audit to determine how much energy your household consumes, identify areas of energy waste, and take steps to change wasteful habits.

Don’t throw money out the window.

During the summer, keep drapes and blinds closed on sun-facing windows. Come winter, open window coverings to allow natural light to share some of the warmth it beams down.

Program the thermostat.

If you’re not using this handy device to its full potential, you’re wasting energy and money. Program the thermostat to raise or lower the temperature automatically according to your away, at home, and sleep schedules.

Stop the leaks.

Whether it’s an air leak from failed weather stripping, or a slow leak from a faucet, bring them to a swift close.

Dress in layers.

Are you walking around your home in sweatpants and a hoodie in the middle of July while your AC thermostat is set to 68 degrees? Try shorts and a t-shirt and up the temp to a comfortable 72.

Give the dryer the cold shoulder.

Take advantage of sunny days and air dry your laundry. Or set up a drying rack for those days when rain takes over.


Proper attic insulation can reduce energy bills by as much as 50 percent. Check yours and add more or replace as needed.

Hit reverse.

Running ceiling fans on low and in reverse (clockwise) during the winter pushes trapped warm air down from the ceiling to where you can feel it, allowing you to lower the temp by a few degrees without sacrificing warmth and comfort.

Use motion sensors.

Swap out traditional light switches with motion-sensor versions in rooms where lights are often left on for extended periods of time. While you’re at it, replace electricity-guzzling incandescent bulbs with more efficient and longer lasting LEDs.

Add power strips.

Just because an electrical item or appliance is off doesn’t mean it’s no longer drawing power. Plug home office and entertainment equipment into power strips that can be turned off with the flip of a switch. Consider power strips with surge protectors to prevent sensitive electronics from becoming damaged in the event of a severe storm or power outage.

Another great way to conserve energy and save money is with annual HVAC preventive maintenance. Your central AC system along with your furnace or boiler will operate more efficiently that way, which offers the added benefits of fewer repairs and longer equipment life. Contact Air Professionals today, and chalk one energy saving step off your ”to do” list.

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